After making aliyah to Israel in 2004, I quickly realized that I was not only fulfilling a personal dream, I was also taking part in one of the greatest events of human history: the return of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland. A few years later I began to blog about my experiences being an oleh (immigrant) and acclimating to Israeli culture and then discovered that other olim were doing the same. I strongly believed that these stories needed to be shared with the world and in 2017 I published "Becoming Israeli", a mosaic of personal stories from Jews who made that momentous decision to move their lives and their futures to Israel.
With thousands of books sold, I was inspired to take the idea behind "Becoming Israeli" to the next level, by talking about aliyah more, celebrating aliyah more and helping olim to connect deeper to the experience of living in the Land and State of Israel and being Israeli.
Current programs include our media series "Talking Aliyah", the video lecture series "@Israel", and the "Made for Olim" Tiyulim which organizes specialized tiyulim (excursions) for olim to better understand the ancient and modern history of Israel that most Israelis grow up learning about and knowing.
I would like to invite you to subscribe and stay up to date.
There is nothing better than learning from other people's experiences. Join us and subscribe to the "Talking Aliyah" series with host Akiva Gersh as he interviews olim of all kinds about their personal journeys making aliyah, acclimating to life in Israel and becoming Israeli.
Deepen your knowledge of Israel's inspiring history and fall in love with Israel even more!
@Israel is an online catalogue of classes and virtual tours that help olim as well as all lovers of Israel gain a stronger understanding of the story behind the establishment, survival, and great success of the State of Israel.
Understand more of the ancient history that the modern State of Israel is built upon.
Learn about the roots of early Zionism and how it grew out of the Jewish experience in the Diaspora.
Study the struggles and incredible achievements of the early waves of Zionism as they transformed the land of Israel and prepared the way for the eventual establishment of the state.
Understand the process and difficulties of actually establishing the state, even after the Jews were promised one by the international community.
Learn about pivotal events that took place after the creation of the state and how they still continue to affect Israel today.
Understand the myriad of ways that, despite its many security challenges, Israel is not only surviving but thriving and leading the world in many important fields of science, medicine, ecology, and technology.
Gain a better understanding of Israeli society and culture, from attitudes and social norms to the food culture and diverse music scene. Learn how Jews coming to Israel from diverse and different lands greatly shape the character of the country and its citizens.

There is nothing better olim can do for themselves and their families in their process and journey of acclimating to life in Israel and "becoming more Israeli" than to take the time to go on tiyulim that will open their eyes (and their hearts) to the incredible and inspiring stories that played an essential role in how the State of Israel was created against so many odds, how Israel has survived despite constant existential threats, and how Israel has not only survived but has thrived and has become a global leader in so many fields in the 21st century.