Know Israel Better.
Love Israel More.
just made aliyah or are about to?
@Israel helps you to better understand the history and the culture of the country you now call home, feeling more connected to Israel, more comfortable in Israel, and more of a part of Israel.
just love israel?
@Israel strengthens your connection to the people, place and story of Israel no matter who you are and no matter where in the world you live.
just love history and culture?
@Israel shares the unique story of a people returning home after 2000 years, recreating their national and cultural identity in their ancestral homeland. Perfect for all lovers of history and culture!
Explore Israel from afar through virtual tours of the classic as well as lesser-known sites of the Jewish state that will deepen your knowledge of the ancient and modern history of Israel!
Deepen your understanding of Israel's history, culture and society through an array of inspiring and informative classes.
A series of 6 classes specifically designed to help students to deepen their understanding of Israel's establishment, survival and great success and the unique culture and society that has formed in the Jewish state.
A series of 6 classes specifically designed to help adults to deepen their understanding of Israel's establishment, survival and great success and the unique culture and society that has formed in the Jewish state.

about @israel

Hello everyone, my name is Akiva Gersh and it is my greatest joy to share my classes, courses and virtual tours of Israel with you! Let me tell you why.
Israel was not a part of my life growing up. I never visited Israel and I never learned about Israel throughout the years of my youth. I was 22 years old when I visited Israel for the first time and within a few days of my arrival and already felt a strong connection with it, as well as a tangible feeling of being home. That feeling eventually inspired me to make aliyah (immigrate) to Israel with my wife Tamar in 2004. ​
Upon moving to Israel all of those feelings only intensified and I became POSITIVELY OBSESSED (as in obsessed in a positive way) with Israel. So much so that I eventually wrote a book about the experience of making aliyah and acclimating to life in Israel!!
(Check it out here.)
However, I also realized that my knowledge of Israeli history and culture did not come close to matching my love for the place. I didn't know about how Israel came to be, who did what and how, when and where. And I wanted to know! So I started reading and studying and exploring my new country, and reading and studying and exploring my new country some more. And what I learned not only filled my head with fascinating facts of the my people's return to their land, it filled my heart with tremendous pride and even MORE LOVE for the Land of Israel and the State of Israel.
Since 2007 I have been very fortunate to share my passion for Israel with groups visiting Israel but in 2020 I took my teaching online and have been sharing Israel with individuals, families, schools, synagogues and communities from all over the world and the reaction has been amazing and inspiring!
And this is how @Israel was born!!
MEET akiva, your teacher and guide
Jewish and Israel Studies educator for 20 years. Musician: Drummer and singer-songwriter. BA in Religious Studies, Brown University. Avid hiker and lover of nature. MA in Jewish Education, Yeshiva University. Homemade pizza maker for his family. Received rabbinic ordination. Loves reading. Favorite topics: Jewish History and Brain Science. Blogger and writer, author of the book, "Becoming Israeli". Thoroughly enjoys his two daily cups of freshly ground coffee.
And last, but definitely not least, I absolutely love sharing the unique and inspiring story of the return of the Jewish people to their homeland, the establishment, survival, and success of the modern Jewish state, and the unique culture and society that has been created as a result.
Visit the store and explore the classes and virtual tours that will deepen your knowledge (and love) of the incredible story of the State of Israel!

If you have a question or would like more information about live and/or individualized classes and virtual tours, fill out the form below and I will be in touch with you shortly.